My Mission Statement
I love to think outside the box with my clients, generating novel and productive-even fun-ways of doing things. I love to explore all facets of a situation, especially what the best situations have to offer, to broaden and build on client strengths. Instead of jumping to conclusions, I love to think things through, adopt different perspectives with my clients, examining them from all sides with no urgency. I love to discover new things and assist my clients in growing their knowledge, building on what we know now, to master unknown skills, topics, and bodies of knowledge in the future.
I am willing to speak the truth in love, holding my client’s feet to the fire even when it may be uncomfortable. I hang in there with my clients until we get the job done. Nothing is impossible, some things just take a little longer. I seek to be genuine in all my communications with clients, especially when I sense there may be feelings, needs, and desires below the surface that want to be spoken. I love life, and I do everything, including coaching and consulting, with excitement and energy. Life is an adventure that I seek to live and share with full engagement. People find that to be infectious.
I love to foster mutually supportive relationships. Warmth is a signature of my advisor style. I love to help people and do nice things for them. I often reach out to my clients in special and caring ways to go above and beyond what they expect. I can easily understand and navigate people’s feelings, needs, and desires (including those beneath the surface).
My clients always come first and think of me as being on their team. I love to be their partners in facilitating growth. It’s not my agenda, but my client’s agenda, that counts. I leave my personal opinions out of the equation as I seek to model fairness in all my dealings. I model being a leader in my work and personal life, and I demonstrate my leadership with my clients by encouraging and supporting them to be leaders in their lives.
I accept my clients right where they are and just the way they are. I am never judgmental and never suggest that my client is wrong; rather, I explore and appreciate the lesson in every situation. Although I walk the talk when it comes to my own path of development, I never call attention to myself or put myself up on a pedestal. We’re all learners in my book. I love to design simple yet powerful strategies with clients. I want my clients to be successful, and that requires setting goals that are specific, measurable, actional, realistic and timebound. Silence is my friend. I love to take my time, to think through my thoughts and feelings, and then say just the right thing at just the right time to move my clients forward. I also am a role model for self-regulation in my personal wellness.
My clients never cease to amaze me. I love to acknowledge their beauty, excellence, and skill. No matter where they are on the journey, there is always something to celebrate and relish. I bring an attitude of gratitude to life that my clients usually pick up on and come to share. What a gift to be alive, to work together, and to learn new ways to experience well-being! I always believe in my client’s ability to become his or her best self. There’s no shortage of laughter when it comes to working with me. I love to make learning fun, enjoyable, and meaningful. We learn to laugh at our mistakes along the way. I see my clients as participating in much larger narratives that include their values, purpose and meaning in life. I recognize that their career pursuits and companies are an extension of themselves, out serving the world.